Thursday, 3 April 2008

As You Like It 1967/68

Two things stuck me about this production:
1) Alan Howard has the most arresting voice I have ever heard. I have to admit to trying to copy it in nearly all my amateur attempts at Shakespeare.
2) The set consisted of the massive branch of a tree which swung impressively onto stage. I was amused to find the quote below.

"Two vast gnarled branches that swing out from the wings and that slowly become swathed in greenery as the mood of the play mellows. I have known productions of 'As You Like It' where you couldn't see the wood for the trees but Mr O'Brien avoids any arboreal clutter and, incidentally, provides two of the largest phallic symbols I have ever seen on a stage." Peter Ansorge, Plays and Players 8.6

Photographs: Thos. F. and Mig Holte Collection (Copyright Shakespeare Birthplace Trust)

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