Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Weekend away

Having returned from a productive weekend with the Flat Four Players I weighed myself to find I have lost 2lbs more. (14st 10lbs). I always loose weight over these weekends, must be the food or exercise.

Back home and John and Ruth have bought a house (hooray!), haven't seen it yet but apparently has all original features (Victorian, mid terrace) and nice garden with off road parking. Not far from the River Thames. So that's both John and Sarah settled (for a while anyway).

I'm working on a research project currently about the use of HDOT (High density Oxygen Therapy) as an adjunct to rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries. I was amazed to learn that I had to get authorisation from the MRHA (Medical Health Regulating Authority) as well as normal ethical research approval. Apparently Medical Liquid Oxygen is considered a 'drug' as it is listed in the British National Formulary. It's odd that the gas we are going to use (high oxygen content, though it is) is considerd Prescription only Medicine, when Divers use Oxygen mixed with Nitrox without a prescription. Anyway, I've queried that with the MRHA and we'll see what they have to say. I sent off all the appropriate forms today and I have 20 days to wait for authorisation so I'll keep you posted. I mean I'll keep me posted because I don't believe any else reads this. But as I wrote earlier this blog is for me to keep some sort of order in my thoughts and not really for anyone else.

Working with my patients today and discussing their previous treatment. I am constantly amazed at the lack of information they are given by their surgeons (or medical staff) prior to, or post elective surgery. Nearly all the patients tell me how surprised they are at their lack of progress (before attending our unit of course) and didn't anticipate the weakness, lack of range of movement or lack of co-ordination they would experience post surgery. Go to surgery get fixed then I'll be OK. Well no, that's not how it works. You loose muscle bulk, strength and stability. There's scar tissue and wounds and pain and ....stuff!!!! Why don't the surgeons tell them this. It takes time for the body to heal for goodness sake.

Sorry going on a bit. Just that it's one of my pet frustrations. Another one is Bookshops that put price stickers over either the title or the dustjacket notes of a book you want to buy. STOP DOING IT!!
Ah well, back to work, see you.

Oh yes. I've got a great recipe for artichokes with a mushroom and vermouth filling. I'll put it in next time.

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